I just got back from vacation and was thinking… what would a beach vacay be like with the MLA/Lov. (original) (raw)


Thots for Villain Rights (Box Closed)

Bnha villain page! Minors DNI. [Store: pastelbattystore.bigcartel.com] [Side Shop: https://www.mercari.com/u/875418373?sv=0\]
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Anonymous asked:

I just got back from vacation and was thinking… what would a beach vacay be like with the MLA/Lov.

(Wish I could have a beach vacay with them…well maybe not all of them. You’ll see why in a minute)




-Shigaraki got there, got his shit out of the car, set up his little spot, and has not moved in over an hour. He’s totally relaxed so don’t even try to come make him move because he’s not doing it. He’d rather play on his switch than to be out there in the sun doing whatever. You MIGHT be able to convince him with enough begging though. Skeptic and Geten have also opted toward relaxing under the umbrella rather than getting involved with various beach activity. Mustard as well. Skeptic literally brought his laptop to do work while there and Geten hates the summer time heat. Mustard didn’t want to go to the beach in the first place. They aint moving so if you choose to spend your time with them, you might wanna bring a book or something to do that passes the time.

~Hitting up the Food Trucks~

-Magne isn’t big on the various foods but she definitely loves hitting up the little trucks that serve the drinks inside pineapples. That and the ice cream truck. Spinner is also going to be with her as he loves just being able to sample a lot of different snacks. Oh and Muscular too!!! Muscular can really knock out a good meal here and there. Literally gets so full that when everyone decided to go to the restaurant later that he just sits in the car and sleeps. (Magne will pay for you to eat whatever you want throughout the day even if you brought your own money so I’d say it’s a win when it comes to hanging with their group all day).

~Sandcastle Tournament~

-To be expected of course it would be Toga and Twice engaging in the sandcastle tomfoolery. What’s worse is that they roped Compress into it as well. In fact, you’re probably going to have to compete against them while Compress is the judge and referee for the tournament. Curious hops in and joins your team if she sees you doing it. You wouldn’t have expected her to be into such a thing but she enjoys being silly and having fun sometimes too! The three of them start to take it a little too seriously near the end though. Who knew they could be so competitive!?


-Leave ReDestro alone unless you’re serious about joining him on the boat and getting some fishing done. He’s got his gear out and ready. Definitely sporting sunscreen on his nose, the classic fishing hat with some cargo shorts and a button up tropical shirt. He enjoys the peacefulness out on the ocean so you might get a little bored with him after a while.


-Trumpet fell asleep to the sounds of the ocean waves and nobody was around to wake him up so when you found him he was already as red as a lobster. Poor Koku.

~Has been wandering around~

-Both have been wandering around, but not together! Dabi went walking along one side of the beach and Moonfish went along the other. Dabi isn’t really interested in doing anything like sandcastles or eating. He doesn’t even care to sit and be bored under the umbrella. He’s just kinda doing his own thing at the moment, observing the seagulls (leaving food near small children so they’d swoop down and scare the kids), collecting a couple of seashells, looking at crabs beneath the pier. Meanwhile Moonfish is more or less doing the same thing just about…although I’d like to think he later joins Magne’s group on their food truck run.

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia lov league of villains mla meta liberation army Headcanon

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Anonymous asked:

Ok this may be a bit far fetched or much, (so if you don’t wanna do it it’s fine) but how would Shig, twice, and (if you feel like it) the men of the MLA react to their s/o having nipnop/nether region piercings

(Not far fetched at allI wonder this myself when it comes to a few characters!)

~MLA Men/Shigaraki/Jin’s S/O with “Piercings”~

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bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia jin bubaigawara bnha twice tomura shigaraki shigiraki tomura bnha geten trumpet bnha koku hanabata tomoyasu chikazoku skeptic bnha rikiya yotsubashi redestro Headcanon lov league of villains mla meta liberation army plf paranormal liberation front

alexpro-nwn asked:

I really hesitated to make this request, I hope you don’t mind that you can write Geten headcanons with a professional heroine girlfriend (admire my bad English xd-) don’t forget to take care of yourself and be healthy

(It’s not bad English omg! Sorry your ask has been stuck in purgatory with the others! I think I’ve been experiencing burn-out or writers block or something. Anyway, enough about me!)

~Geten’s Hero S/O~


-He honestly never imagined he’d be dating a professional hero but here he was. In fact, he never even imagined he’d be dating anyone to begin with. He hasn’t had a crush on anyone since he was just a little boy. The older he got, the more he focused on training and honing his skills for the glory and the honor of the Meta Liberation Army. So much so that he skipped high school and college and completely dedicated himself towards his cause. That was until he met you.

-There weren’t too many villain attacks on Deika considering the city was so closely knit with everyone. However, every once in a while, a psycho finds their way into the community with no other purpose other than to seek chaos. Unfortunately that was happening while Geten was trying to complete the most mundane tasks/running errands. He was fully prepped to take the villain down himself out of sheer annoyance for being interrupted but you had already beaten him to it. You were a hero passing through on your way to another mission when you heard whispers of no good scheming coming from the alleyways.

-During your entire fight (which was a piece of cake for you), Geten couldn’t take his eyes off your even if he tried to do so. Your stance, your form, your determination, and that little smirk you did because you knew you were going to win. Hell, even your technique was incredible to him! It’s hard to say what got into him when you stopped to do autographs for the nearby citizens. He walked himself right over there and got your autograph too. He still keeps that autograph buried deep in his things. Of course you still bring it up even now as a way to tease him but he sweeps it off in annoyance.

-Sparring matches are a thing between you two fairly often. You challenge each other to better yourselves. He can tend to get competitive and you’re overly (yet rightfully) cocky when it comes to these things. You didn’t gain your fame from nothing! The matches end up always tiring you both out but you’ll be right back at it again next week.

-He tries his best to keep out of the public eye when the press gets heavy on you. Since you moved to Deika with him, you brought a pretty good amount of attention on the city. It was difficult to have a simple outing when you would be swarmed by cameras minutes later. Things worked out better when they got bored with taking pictures of your everyday life. You stuck to battling outside the city so the press followed you there. You’d return home after a long day of work and he’d be waiting there for you like always.

-He once went on a mission with you so he could see you fight again. It was almost worth it had he not almost died from the power of the fight. At this point he was wondering how you weren’t in the top 10 list of heroes. You were ranked around 14 or 15 but he thinks you deserve spot number one. Every once in a while he talks about it/complains to the others of the MLA, which is odd considering he’s not that type of person. What can he say? He’s so in love with you. I doubt that would change even if you were a civilian.

Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia geten bnha geten mla meta liberation army

Anonymous asked:

May I request: Hari, Geten, ReDestro, Mr Compress, Skeptic and Dabi being really into it while he's fucking s/o as the bg music helps set the mood but all of a sudden s/o pauses briefly, mid-thrust, and tells him "that's my song!" before resuming and bounces on his dick again like nothing has happened 😂😭 I was inspired by a tweet I saw

(Anon, your twitter newsfeed sounds like a wiiiiild ride lmao)


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bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia Hari Kurono geten re destro mr compress skeptic Dabi Chronostasis bnha geten rikiya yotsubashi sako atsuhiro mr. compress tomoyasu chikazoku bnha dabi mla meta liberation army shie hassaikai yakuza lov league of villains Smut minor dni minors dni

Anonymous asked:

Dabi falling for Geten's s/o? Like he doesn't know she's Geten's s/o and welcomes him to the army, sure he's seen her and him interact a couple times, but he doesn't find out until later.

(OH! Another chance to write for Geten AND Dabi some more? Don’t mind if I do! Hope you don’t mind I left the reader a bit open in this one so everyone can insert themselves!)

~Dabi Falls for Geten’s S/O~


-If you had a nickel for every time he paced around the house while grumbling about something out of his control then you’d have enough money to get him the anger therapy that he needed. For the past week he’d been pissed off about the changes taking place in the Meta Liberation Army upper ranks. Even when you attended Chitose’s gravesite to mourn over her loss, he was raging silently by your side. Apparently the League of Villains overcame all obstacles in place when they came to Deika. They won the fight fair and square but you’d never say that out loud. Now in place of Re Destro there was Tomura Shigaraki himself. He inserted his ragtag band of outcasts into the MLA ranks and Geten complained about it every single damn day. Despite this (and your minimal involvement in the MLA), you decided to show up and try to take the edge off between him and the person placed on his team…Dabi.

-Everyday for a week or two, you showed up to not only cheer on Geten and support him but to get to know Dabi and the others here and there as well. You’d formed a nice little bond with Toga and Twice, Compress was rather charming to say the least, and Spinner was pretty cool himself. Shigaraki was a quiet man so you often didn’t say much when trying to approach him. Dabi was a different story. He was more like a twin flame to you. The two of you had gotten closer and closer the more time you spent together. He liked a lot of the same things you did. He was often a tease, picking on you for some things here and there but never too much. He took care of you when you took care of him, Geten, and the others. You didn’t have a clue that he’d fallen for you. Hell, he didn’t even realize it himself until about a week later!

-Whenever you showed up with little lunches and snacks he made sure to eat it all and say a quiet thanks, even when it was something he didn’t like (fish). When you bandaged Geten after he’d gotten banged up a bit, Dabi watched from afar and silently considered hurting himself on purpose just to get at you. When you sent morning texts to the groupchat he was always the first to reply. Any time you were talking he felt bad about not being able to listen because of how focused he was on your lips…your smile and the way your eyes shine. Was it love? Who knows. All he knew was that he felt like you belonged beside him. Imagine the crushing moment when he finally confesses to you and you tell him you’re taken. Sure he’s like “Eh, oh well. My bad then.” But deep down inside he’s a little shaken up about the feelings. He rarely (or really never) feels this way about someone. He’s upset about what could’ve been.

-It’s even worse if Geten is nearby and hears the whole thing take place. Now you’ve got to figure out how to corral your gremlin before he causes a scene and destroys half the city trying to fight Dabi *sigh* again…

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia geten bnha geten dabi bnha dabi mla meta liberation army plf paranormal liberation front league of villains lov Headcanon

Anonymous asked:

Hey i hope you won't mind this crack request haha- what if the villains' s/o intends to propose but instead of asking a question such as "will you marry me?", s/o accidentally messes up and threatens him by saying "I WILL MARRY YOU." out of nervousness? Characters: geten, spinner, overhaul, dabi, chronostasis!

(I don’t mind at all! The crack requests are some of the best ones usually haha!)

~Geten/Spinner/Kai/Dabi/Hari’s S/O flubs proposal~


Originally posted by suzuyas



-I’m sure you weighed all the pros and cons of going through with this beforehand. Geten is not an easy man to love. His personality can be prickly and he’s as stubborn as a mule. However, he has eyes only for you and a certain gentleness that he displays for you and you only. That’s why after your 5 year anniversary you finally decided to stop taking things slow and finally pop the question to him. If you had waited for him to do it first, you’d be waiting another 5 years! The only issue is now that you actually had the ring in your pocket you were nervous as all get out. What if he said no? It was a possibility given the way he is. You were trying not to let your nerves get to you too much but they were certainly swallowing you. It was so bad that when you went to pop the question you messed up and stated “I will marry you!” It sounded pretty demanding and he was a bit confused. Finally he caught the wind of what was going on when he saw you fidgeting with the ring in your hands. He sighed and took it from you, slipping it onto his finger. “As if you even have to say that. You already know the answer, idiot.” He scoffed (which in Geten terms can be translated to: I love and you and I’d say yes a million times again and again if it meant I could spend the rest of forever with you.)


-You’re both nervous by nature (because I said so). Your entire relationship has consisted of awkward hugs and flustered feelings spilling over onto each other. Yet, it was still full of honest and pure love. As pure as love can get when you’re with a villain of course. Spinner was head over heels for you so that’s why the proposal maybe headed south when you shouted “I will marry you” as you presented the ring to him. His eyes blew wide and he just started to slowly chuckle before fully laughing and face palming. “We’re both pretty dumb huh? I mean the way we always mess stuff up together of course.” He smiled as he spoke before pulling a ring out of his pocket meant for you. “This was supposed to be the day I propose to you.” You could only laugh with him at this point. You two always seems to flop together, but at least the outcome is always so loving. You’d never have to doubt that.


-Messing up in front of him has always been the most embarrassing thing. Usually because of his complete silence and the way he raises that one eyebrow to judge you. He never even gives a laugh or a chuckle so you’re pretty much left sitting there in your own embarrassment. That’s why this time when you did the ultimate fuck up, you were fully expecting him to not only deny your request but also to judge you fully. “I will marry you? What the hell was that?” He raised his eyebrow as usual and you felt your face burning. “I uh…well I mean uh…” You finally settled on quickly pulling the ring from your pocket and shoving it into his gloved hands. He stared at it for a minute and reached up to pull down his mask and reveal a smirk. “Really now?” You started to calm down when you saw how he wasn’t as serious in the moment as usual. “I meant to propose better haha.” You awkwardly laughed. “Well you already know the answer to that. You’re right…” he slipped the ring on his finger and smiled warmly at you (a rare sight indeed) “I will marry you indeed.”


-Proposing to him was a scary act. The nervousness was expected in this situation when you were left dealing with him. The possibility of him denying you and basically changing the trajectory of your whole relationship was high as hell. You were gambling a lot so of course your palms would be a bit clammy and your words a bit jumbled. Now or never was your idea at the moment. So you stood right by him as he lounged on the couch. “I will marry you! Ooop!” You slapped your hands over your mouth and nervously watched for his reaction. He seemed to stay the same, staring at you for a bit and turning his attention back to the Tv before saying something you didn’t expect. “Fucking duh. At this point, it’s pretty obvious isn’t it?” You gasped and slowly sat next to him on the couch. “Y/N, what’s with the look. You feeling sick or something? If you are, head to room and isolate yourself. I don’t wanna catch that shit.” For a while you sat in silence…stunned. Finally you gulped and reached into your pocket to retrieve the ring. You dropped it down in front of him on the coffee table. He paused his show when he saw it and finally looked over to you again. “If you’re as serious about this as I am, then yeah…I meant every word I said. I’m not much for commitment until I found you. You’re annoying and you get under my skin. I only say that because I find myself doing shit for you I didn’t ever imagine I’d do for anyone before. I figure if I’m going to be with anyone for a while, it might as well be you.” He leaned over and kissed your forehead in that gentle way that he reserves for special occasions like this.


-He’s a teasing type of man. You knew that from the moment you two started dating. In fact, it was a known fact since before then when you were just friends! He tended to goof around a lot with you, and you were not immune to his jokes if you ever messed anything up. When you messed up the proposal by blurting out “I will marry you” he basically almost died from laughter. Hopefully you don’t get frustrated and walk away from him. Just let him get out his usual laugh before he calms down and wipes a lone tear from his eye. “Oh my God, you’ve got a smooth brain right!? Haha, of course I’ll marry you Y/N. I can’t see myself with anyone but you. I’d probably be dead without you anyway.” He chuckles and slips the ring onto his finger before giving you a rather deep kiss. But be warned…you don’t get to live it down for at least 3 weeks lol.

Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia lov league of villains shie hassaikai yakuza mla meta liberation army plf paranormal liberation front Chronostasis chrono Hari Kurono kai chisaki overhaul shuichi iguchi bnha spinner geten bnha dabi

Anonymous asked:

You think any of the MLA or PLA if you prefer members would lose at or absolutely loath no nut november?

(I’m assuming the PLA is basically the PLF but I went ahead with choosing the original MLA if that’s okay with you! If you ever feel you should want the rest of the members of the PLF…basically the league of villains lol…then let me know and I’ll do it for them too!)


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smut? minors dni minor dni bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia mla meta liberation army curious bnha chitose kizuki trumpet bnha koku hanabata redestro rikiya yotsubashi geten bnha skeptic bnha tomoyasu chikazoku Headcanon

Last call for Meta Liberation Army bracelets as I’m moving on tomorrow or maybe the day after depending on the mood/weather. After that, they’ll be moving to the side shop on Mercari!📣📣📣


Main Shop

Side Shop

(Many thanks!)

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia mun speaks meta liberation army mla koku hanabata trumpetbnha chitose kizuki curious bnha redestro rikiya yotsubashi skeptic bnha tomoyasu chikazoku geten anime merch

There’s a hold on writing because my mom dropped my baby bro off for a few days while she celebrates her birthday. Anyway, he has a gift for everyone:

(A 10 year old attempts to draw the Meta Liberation Army)

young artist bnha mha my hero academia boku no hero academia meta liberation army mla koku hanabata trumpet bnha chitose kizuki curious bnha tomoyasu chikazoku skeptic bnha rikiya yotsubashi redestro geten bnha